Saturday, November 18, 2017

Book Recommendation: Heretics of St. Possenti

I'd like to draw your attention to SF author Rolf Nelson's new book, The Heretics of St. Possenti. It's a sequel to his first novel, The Stars Came Back. Don't let that put you off, though. Heretics of St. Possenti is a stand-alone novel in its own right, a near-future novel about the formation of a new order of Catholic monks, most of them military veterans, who take as their patron Gabriel Possenti, an Italian who saved his village with his use of a handgun.

I was one of the beta readers and helped the author with much of the Catholic content. I'm not really happy with the editing by Castalia House - - they apparently left that to the beta readers - - but it's a fun story and, if you're a gun aficionado, a Catholic, or just a conservative, you'll be entertained by this book.

It's only available in Kindle version right now, but paperback should be out eventually. At Amazon.

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