Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm Emigrating To Switzerland To Become A Heroin Addict.

Apparently it's free, legal and safe, and there's a shortage of Swiss junkies. A great career opportunity for a slacker such as myself!


MauserMedic said...

"Health insurance pays for the bulk of it, which costs 26 million Swiss francs ($22 million) a year. All residents in Switzerland are required to have health insurance, with the government paying insurance premiums for those who cannot afford it."

Ah, the government pays for it. Doubtless from one of their side jobs, as if the money is from taxes, the citizens pay for it. But saying "fees gathered at threat of imprisonment/forced impoverishment pay for it" just doesn't sound as nice.

Bob said...

MauserMedic: I knew I shouln't have drank all the Paregoric as a kid...
