Monday, August 16, 2010

Now Liberal Wackos Even Attacking Democrats

Senator Carl Levin, a Democrat from Michigan, was attacked with a pie by a liberal wacko.

The Tea Party gets the reputation for violence, thanks to the machinations of the MSM, but when political figures are attacked physically, it's almost always a liberal wacko who was responsible for the assault.


wally said...

Calling a far-left extremist a liberal is no more fair than calling a white supremacist a conservative.

Bob said...

@wally: and yet people on your side of the aisle, including your MSM collaborators, do it on a regular basis. And it wasn't far-left extremists that produced the "daisy" ad in 1964 linking Barry Goldwater to nuclear holocaust if he won the Presidential election.

wally said...

I think you missed my point. When I imply that both sides do it, doesn't that make a tu quoque argument kind of redundant? Let me be perfectly clear (:)): it's unfair to pretend that everyone on one side (either side, right or left) of the political fence condones or is characterized by the actions of a few wackos on their fringes. Every large group has fringe wackos, and if it's unfair to characterize the Tea Party by its gun-toting Hitler screamers (and it is), then it's equally unfair to characterize liberals by pie-throwers. Got it? Now you can put your 46-year-old examples back in the attic.