Saturday, August 21, 2010

US Military: OK, NOW We'll Screen For Terrorists In The Ranks

The results of the study ordered after Major Nidal Malik Hasan went Jihadi at Ft. Hood have been released.

In the wake of the deadly shootings at Fort Hood, Texas, last year, the Pentagon is devising new methods to identify terrorists or other dangerous people working inside the military community, according to a new report.

That includes revising mental health screening tests to add factors correlated with violence, such as “work, home, financial, legal and interpersonal stressors,” according to the Defense Department report released Aug. 20.

In addition, commanders will soon receive better instructions on how to “distinguish appropriate religious practices from those that might indicate a potential for violence or self-radicalization,” the report said.

In addition they're going to upgrade 911 phone systems on military bases to modern standards.

Yet another example of the reactive close the barn door after the horse escapes thinking by the military. The military received an earlier wakeup call in the Hasan Akbar fragging case that Muslim soldiers could turn Jihadi and did nothing at the time.

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